C. J.'s Shoes
"Your Location for Men's Used & Reconditioned Dress Shoes and Redesigned Shoes"

757-934-1929 H/O -- 757-615-6966 -- C/Text
email: sockit2unow@aol.com

Updated:  09/02/20


C. J.'s Shoes
Main Page

Redesigned Shoes Page

Reconditioned Shoe Page

The Sock Man Socks & Shoes
Redesigned Shoes

Reconditioned Shoes

SMSS Male Model Page

C. J.'s Personal Redesigned Shoes
Men's Sheer Socks




  C. J., Owner of C. J.' Shoes & The Sock Man Socks & Shoes

Vintage Stacy Adams, Pleated Vamp, Extreme Pointed Toe Slip-On - Black -- SKU# 1007

The Sock Man's Personal Shoes


Suffolk Flea Market

Your location to buy, sell, and browse Flea Market Items from Everywhere.  Get a space for your store!!!

Stay Tuned for Pop Up Stores at Suffolk Flea Market.


Click to Watch Video


Model, D. J. in Calumet Pointed Toe Slip-Ons (SKU# 270) and TNTBLK-A Socks.  This pair for sale in Reconditioned Shoes below.




Redesigned Shoes

View Video Below of Redesign Process.
Dolce & Gabbana -- SKU# 888
If unable to load in your browser, click link below.
Music:  "If You Don't Know Me by Now" -- Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes


Shoe Redesign In Progress
(Sole punch and stitchwork)

SKU# 844



Visit C. J.'s Shoes

Fine Used, Upcycled, & Reconditioned Men's Shoes and Men'sUsed Socks.  For more used socks Click Here.


C. J.'s Shoes
Main Page

Redesigned Shoes Page

Reconditioned Shoe Page

The Sock Man Socks & Shoes
Redesigned Shoes

Reconditioned Shoes

SMSS Male Model Page

C. J.'s Personal Redesigned Shoes
Men's Sheer Socks




    Other Related Pages:

The Sock Man Socks & Shoes

Clevis Shoes

New & Reconditioned But Yet Incredible Men's Shoes

Men's Redesigned Shoes & Boots






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